


みく秘書ミクと会話便利機能セット is an Android app that allows users to have conversations with the famous Vocaloid character, Hatsune Miku. With this app, users can engage in conversation with Miku using voice recognition, and she will respond with her authentic voice.

In addition to the conversation feature, the app also includes several other useful functions. Users can set alarms and have Miku's voice announce the time. The app also provides a restaurant search feature, displaying nearby dining options on a map. Users can also enjoy daily horoscope readings based on the 12 zodiac signs, as well as a one-week weather forecast for the surrounding area.

Furthermore, the app includes a simple memo pad for users to jot down notes. It's worth noting that due to the nature of incorporating authentic vocal responses from Miku, the app may not be able to handle extensive conversations.

Please ensure that the alarm function is compatible with your device before use. If you enjoy using the app, be sure to share and rate it.

(Note: "Hatsune Miku" is a copyrighted work of Crypton Future Media, Inc.)

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